Developing (v7+)

Desperately need a horizontal form!

Help please! Does anyone know how to modify the form block to allow a form to lay out horizontally? All I need is "Name," "Email," and "Submit" all on the same line. Attached is a mockup of what I need. Please please please help! Thank you so much!

Form Upload to Set

I suppose first things, first. Tonight is my first experience with Concrete5 and I'm loving it so far! I've seen this asked a lot but most of the threads were 1 yr+ old and apparently out of date. I'll give you a quick overview of what I need the sit…

Site giving me a 500 error after renewing hosting is unavailable, it says I have the latest version of Concrete5 when I go to index.php/tools/upgrade/. It seems to have broken on the day it was renewed, Apr 19, if you check the cache on Google the last time it was cached was Apr 18th. Whe…

dashboard/extend blank page.

Hi, In main menu i don't have Extend menu. When i open i get message page not found. How I can recreate extend play menu

Blocks - Require_once error

Totally broke it. I was experimenting with adding some blocks. I installed a block I was testing probably did so pre-maturely. Now I'm seeing this error each time I select block type. I'm also seeing it when I try to refresh my database. [code]Warni…

odd 404 error page behaviour in IE9

Hi, running IE9 on win7 64 bit, if i go to : and mistype a page eg: i DONT get a 404 error.... i get a page fragment as shown in the image: this only happens with IE9 not chrome or safari.…

Page Types won't delete

Hello everyone, I've put in a couple page types and they just aren't working they way they should. I named them correctly, installed them under the theme "inspect" page, and they show up when I enter the "design" dialog box and I can assign them but th…

Google Adwords Conversion Code

Hi Where should I be putting the tracking code for google adwords. its currently in a HTML block at the foot of the page. but i think that's sending the conversion code more than once to google if the customer hits refresh. thanks

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