Developing (v7+)

Mobile menu colors

Good Morning would anyone be able to help me please, i am trying to change the colour of the dropdown menu text on the mobile version of our new website (desktop site is fine), but so far i have been unsuccessful. would anyone know where i can find the se…

Uploaded files not visible after moving site [FIXED]

I moved a site from dev.domainname.xx (http) to domainname.xx (https). Everything works except the uploaded image/files. I cleared the cache. The files are alse not visible in the filemanager. (I see all files that are uploaded, but nothing is linked). …

Formify reply to email address

Hi everyone, I have yet to find an answer for this one.... I know I can change the "Reply To" email address. However, I have a specific need. When our clients get form submissions, a lot of them just hit reply to answer the request. However it just …

Date picker

Hello! I'm handling with a book form with DatePicker and also as a mandatory field. Changing the date field to allow only Mondays and Thursdays, concrete core is always asking me to fill in this field! But it was already filled! [code] // Mon…

Unexpected error

Hello, today I had to fix something on the site of one of my clients but when I entered the login credentials and clicked on login, I do not load the backend and I receive the following message: There was an unexpected error. Uncaught exception 'PDOEx…

Check if the image is being used in the website

I have a website which has multiple admin's and one of them delete's the image from file manager which is live on the website without knowing that its live. Could i get to know the particular file is live and warn the member before deleting.

Errore imprevisto

Salve, oggi dovevo sistemare qualcosa nel sito di un mio cliente ma quando ho inserito le credenziali di accesso e cliccato su accedi, non mi carica il backend e mi si visualizza il seguente messaggio: Si è verificato un errore imprevisto. Uncaught ex…

AutoNav duplication

Hi all. I have a situation whereby I want to have AutoNav in two places on the homepage. I have one at the very top of the page, then as the user scrolls down past a slider, I have another menu that then sticks to the top of the page as the user scrol…

Composer Error

I am working on a site in v8.4.3 and have noticed an issue when I set up a Page Type to automatically publish beneath another page and use Composer. When the page is auto-saved to drafts in the composer view before publishing I get a blank overlay over th…

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