Developing (v7+)

Form question

Hi, I have a tricky one .... I am using bootstrap Tabs and in one tab I have a form block (let's say Tab4). The issue is that when I send a form, the tabset reinitializes back to Tab 1 , that means that I cannot see the confirmation message to confrm the…

Automagically created URL slug when adding a page

Hi everybody, while adding a new page or creating new content with Composer, the URL slug of that page is "automagically" derived from the Name input field. In earlier versions of C5 it seemed to be done by search-and-replace directly in JavaScript an…

strange behavior Global Area on 1 out of 6 pages

This past weeks I adapted my home made theme using several global areas in each page type. I uploaded the theme and it installed just as expected. I added content to global areas on one homepage. I encounted a an unexpected error 'unable to get permission…

Sliding Header/Main Menu Using jQuery

Today's adventure is to create a header element that contains the main menu which initially only displays a color bar across the top of the page with a menu indicator (attached file: visible menu bar.jpg) ... When clicked, the menu slides down into the pa…

Bring in the New Year with Style.

For the new year week only, get the Style Quickie LESS and CSS 'development environment in a block' for the give away price of just $15.

File attributes: Public Ratings and file set privacy

Hello! I just have a 2 questions in this thread; For files there's a Ratings attribute that I would like to implement but before I do so I want to know if the ratings can be viewed by the public or not. It would look great to have ratings visible to ev…

Get attribute of unapproved page

This is a bit of a deep question, but before I go diving into the C5 source code I thought I'd ask and see if anyone has any ideas about this. I have a package that runs a scheduled task that programmatically creates empty pages with a few attributes s…

E-commerce Additional Images

Hi, I have been tasked by a client to update their existing c5 commerce site (which I built) - one of their requests is to have thumbnails of the additional images below the main image for each product, I have been through the forums and haven't found …

Coding a SubNav into Footer.php Page

I am working on a custom website project and trying to build an "autonav" element within the footer page. I feel like I am close but not quite there... I have setup the site structure so that I can test the coding/setup as I go... I have sub-pages off of…

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