Developing (v7+)

Add helper to custom block

If you use any of the core blocks that comes with Concrete5 you get a little help icon at the block header. From there you can get additional information and also a link to help documents. Is there no way to add this to your own build blocks? I man…

Adding javascript to a html block

I've spent a few hours now trying to get a small interactive graphic working on the following page: - with no joy. If someone could advise where I'm going wrong I'd really appreciate it. The way…

How to use C5 for multiple sites?

I'm planning to use C5 for "Website Builder' site. I have to implement near about 20-25 different sites category wise like E-commerce, CMS, Real estate, Music shop, etc.. Please help me, how I can use C5 for managing these different sites. Should I nee…

Dynamic urls need a redirection sequence

These are (some of) redirects that are set up at the moment. All stripped straight from the database so you can clearly see the redirect path. My problem with this is that they need to be wildcards. I.E.: Instead of: [code] "/ma","/externals/oc…

Change "Home" to different page?

Hi. Client wants to change the current "home" page to another page in the site tree. I can not find any way to do this, Do I have to recreate the page in the "Home" location.? I have now like this in the Site tree Home (not in page nav acts as l…

Advandced Block Permissions

Hello there, Does anybody know in 5.6 where to set the block advanced permissions as in ? We've set the pagelist block in 5.4 but the guest-group ca…

Export Block to XML

Hi everyone there's a method which I think can be really helpful but isn't because it doesn't always works as expected. Let me start with a short example: [code] $b = Block::getByID(110); $node = new SimpleXMLElement(''); $b->export($node); p…

content in page is not shown....

I tried everythihng that I know.....but I failed... set permmision to Guest registered user......etc. none of them work.... Only administator can see content... Guest and resistered user can see top lavel and second level only. From, 3rd l…

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