"Table Row size is too large" problem with CollectionSearchIndexAttributes table


In Concrete I've got the following exception in my website LOGS:

C:\xampp\htdocs\tweetop\concrete\libraries\3rdparty\adodb\adodb-exceptions.inc.php:79 mysqli error: [1118: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO CollectionSearchIndexAttributes…

I have more than 200 attributes in my installation and the number will grow as it is very complex project.

I can’t extend mysql (InnoDB) row size because I am using Shared Hosting.

I have few questions.
1. Has anyone encountered this exceptions and resolved the problem?
2. Maybe this exception can be ignored without any further problems?
3. How does CollectionSearchIndexAttributes table work?
4. Is it possible to split CollectionSearchIndexAttributes table into 2 or 3 dependences, so the row size would split?

Myq replied on at Permalink Reply
If possible, change the "row_format" for the problematic table to "dynamic". Even if the database is set to use dynamic by default for tables, ensure that the table throwing the error is set to dynamic.