How to show Public Date/Time instead of created date

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I'm creating a news section and using the Page View block with a custom template to list all the news items pages on the main news page - just the date, item title and description.

Unfortunately the date that's displayed against each news item is the date the item was created, but I want to use the date and time that's entered in the Public Date/Time field on the Page Properties dialog when that page is created/edited.

The command I'm using to return the creation date is:
<?php echo $cobj->getCollectionDateAdded('l, F jS, Y') ?>

What command should I replace getCollectionDateAdded with to fetch the right value?

Thanks in advance for all help,

Fluvius replied on at Permalink Reply
Found the code to use:
<?php echo $cobj->getCollectionDatePublic('l, F jS, Y')?>
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
That's the one. Thanks for taking the time to post it back to this thread.
dancer replied on at Permalink Reply
Out of curiosity, How did you find this info?
(apologies for the old post revival!)