Installation Help

Can't update add-ons - error message

I just migrated an existing CC5 site to a new server and tested it - all was fine. Then updated CC5 to the latest version via the Dashboard successfully. However, when I try to update the add-ons (any of them) I get the message "An error occurred while do…

Updated to v5.7.5.1 from v5.7.4.2 but environment info is incorrect

Hi, I have a strange issue where the environment info is reporting the wrong version after an upgrade. I updated from to and it gives me the success even after re-running the script.... ie... "Your site is already up to date! The curre…

Fresh install to 5.7 had versions saved on now there gone

I had been using concrete5 for awhile and have many versions backed up when i had installed. my situation is i uninstalled it from my host, installed drupal..built a page..didnt like drupal and wanted to go back to concrete5 which i did with a n…

Dev and Prod, same config, different database

If you need a different development and production database with the same installation in concrete >=5.7 (inspired from version 5.6 1. Step Add a new virtual host (…

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