Installation Help

Dashboard disappearing after updating concrete5

Hello, when I update concrete5, my dashboard is disappearing. But the update was successful. What could be the reason and how can I resolve it? Thanks in advance.

Transfer Site Ownership

We have recently taken over a Concrete5 site for a Client. The previous developer is difficult to contact. We have transferred the site & database to the new host. We have set up a new domain that makes more sense & turned the old domain into an alias…

Updating site ownership

We have recently taken over a Concrete5 site for a Client. The previous developer is difficult to contact. We have transferred the site & database to the new host. We have set up a new domain that makes more sense & turned the old domain into an alias…

Media Library Add-on

I'm new to all this and downloaded the zip of media library. Then I realized I should have done it through the site....I have uploaded all the files and directories via FTP to the /packages folder. I pushed the "install" button and all I get is "awaitin…

Help with media library install

I'm new to all this and downloaded the zip of media library. Then I realized I should have done it through the site....I have uploaded all the files and directories via FTP to the /packages folder. I pushed the "install" button and all I get is "awaitin…

Awesome table not working for me

Hi, I bought Awesome table and installed as per the video. when I try to add the search block and put the ID of the table.. it just place the search on the page and a little icon next to it which is keep on rotating, when I fill anything in the search bo…

Trying to install Concrete 5

I'm trying to install concrete 5 - I think I'm almost there. I have the database setup and whatnot. I get to the page with the testing and all are green check boxes. I click Continue to Install, and fill out all of the information requested, including…

Upgrade to 5.6.1 causing blocks to disappear, MySQL error

I am having trouble getting COncrete5 to upgrade to 5.6.1. I am getting the following MySQL error after running the script: [code] An Unexpected Error occurred while upgrading: mysql error: [1048: Column 'cID' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO …

Webserver wechsel 1und1 ?

Hallo, wechsel grade mein Webhosting Paket bei 1und1 und würde gerne meine Komplette Website inkl. gekauftem Template mit nehmen. Geht das oder muss ich alles neu kaufen?

Webserver wechsel 1und1 ?

Hallo, wechsel grade mein Webhosting Paket bei 1und1 und würde gerne meine Komplette Website inkl. gekauftem Template mit nehmen. Geht das oder muss ich alles neu kaufen?

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