Installation Help

Default email

Hi- I am on webhostinghub and installed Concrete5.8.3 using the Softaculous utility via cpanel. When I go to "systems and settings" to test my email it keeps defaulting the email address to . Based on the documentation I then changed…

Stucco Theme Install - Internal Server Error

I've installed a new version of concrete5 v8.3.2 and it appears to be working fine, but every time I try installing the Stucco theme (with sample data) I get an Internal Server Error. I am selecting the option "Yes. Reset site content with the content…

Wrong PHP Time zone????

This is the first time I get this. "The database timezone has times greater by 9 hours and 0 minutes compared to the PHP timezone. These are the time zones compatible with the database one: Americas/Dawson, Americas/Los Angeles, Americas/Tijuana, Amer…

8.3.2 installation error. Please help.

Hey guys, I have installed multiple version of concrete in the past without any issues. However this time I'm getting a gateway error followed by an error stating that concrete needs to be installed on an empty database. I can confirm that it is indeed…

Can't upgrade past 8.1.0

I tried posting this in the development forum a few days ago, but got no responses, so I'm trying again here! My main issue is that I have been unable to upgrade to any version past what I'm currently running, which is 8.1.0. Originally, I thought mayb…

Installing new version over and older version

I have a previous version of Concrete5 from the mid 2000s and am wanting to update to take advantage of the new interface and new features. If I update over the top of my current installation, will I lose everything. How can I easily do this without af…

Installation in htdocs

Hi, I startet a new project and have problems to install into the htdocs-Folder from my domain I would like that the domain is reached with and not with an added directory like 1. uploading the newest zip-file 2. unpacking …

File paths

Hi Ive just moved a site from WAMP to a Linux server but its not working because the live site appears to be referring to my local file path. Is there a setting for this? An unexpected error occurred. include(/Users/stuart/Documents/Websites/_GED/Sp…

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