Installation Help

Re-connection Required

We switched the site from a different server and http to ours and https.. now i cant login.. Re-connection Required This site needs to be reconnected to the concrete5 community. This typically occurs because the site's base URL has changed. I dont …


Hello I have a problem with one of my concrete5 sites. ( I just finished a site. During the preparation, I had it as usual left in the /beta/ directory. When the site was finished I moved the site to the root. Everything went very well…

Class Concrete\Core\Permission\Key\BoardKey does not exist

Hi, My C5 site was installed using Composer. When upgrading, something went wrong, and started getting the following error on line 734 of concrete/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php [code]Class Concrete\Core\Permission\Key\BoardKey does not …

What is the best way to install C5?

I like the idea of using composer to install, and seems to recommend it as well: "More versatile and maintanable than simply downloading a zip file from, Composer is a…

How to set the lower_case_table_names MySQL variable to 2 ?

Apologies, I am new to MySQL and Concrete 5. How can I change this variable? Here is the error: "Table names are stored in the lowercase: you may have problems if you plan to move this installation to another server (hint: you should set the lower_…

[SOLVED] Missing Installation Requirements

Hey there, so I'm trying to test out Concrete5 for the first time through localhost and using Xampp (the latest version), and I keep bumping into the issue of missing requirements Please check the screenshot attached to this post How can I go about …


Hi all My IT skills are well , average at best and is not my line of work. That said, I like to learn and was hoping to get any advise c5dk_blog. install on CC.5 8 Thanks all !

Install error "Database must be empty"

I've successfully installed v8.5.4 on a fresh website with a fresh empty database multiple times. I'm trying to install the same version extracted from the same zip file again and I get an error every time. The installation appears to run correctly crea…

Moving Concrete 5 Installation to new Directory

Hi, Recently, I moved the location that Concrete 5’s files are stored on my server from /home/me/c5 to /home/me/public_html/c5 however, when I try to login a get this error “ include(/home/me/c5/concrete/single_pages/login.php): failed to open stream: …

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