Installation Help

Text-only-page after Installation

After installing Concrete5 I get the text and images of the my testsite, but nothing else. The paths in my config.php look like this: ('BASE_URL', 'http://concrete.test:8888'); ('DIR_REL', 'http://concrete.test:8888'); If I add '/concrete' at DIR_REL t…

URL rewrite problem from the install page

Howdy fellas, So, I read the installation requirements and directions. Installed everything I needed, I believe. I verified I had mod_rewrite working. chmod'ed everything to 0777, chown'ed it all to my apache running user, checked for my apache acces…

undefined function imageCreateTrueColor()

Hi, I am attempting to install Concrete cms on a Win2003 server running IIS, PHP5 and MySQL. During the install process I get this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function imageCreateTrueColor() in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cms\concrete\blocks\library_…

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