Installation Help

Search Jobs are failing Call to a member function make() on null

I am running 8.5.4 MYSQL Version: 5.7.32 SQL Mode: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION PHP 7.3.25 When I run the 2 automated jobs for search I get these errors. An…

Error Controller does not exist

I had some issues when installing a theme (supermint) and ended up renaming the folder to themeSupermint13 and then copying and bring in the original. Everything is working except 1. When I goto page & themes -> Attributes https://elearningcontentrev…

White screen of death - version 8.5.4.

I just downloaded the latest version of Concrete5; version 8.5.4, extracted it, created a database and webserver configuration and then went to the url and got a 'white screen of death' instead of the install screen. Figured out what was going on: The…

Getting error "Supports concrete5 request URLs"

Hey Guys, I have had my support team looking at this error i am getting on installation with no luck. I have temporarily set open_base_dir restriction to none and session save path to tmp as C5 KB. Last message i got from the was the following: …

Cannot add themes logins

Brand new, fresh C5 install, 8.5.4. Trying to purchase a theme through Dashboard>Extend Concrete5>Themes and receiving "Unable to load external cart. Please set your browser’s cookies to enable this functionality.” However cookies are fully enabled.…

error using file manager and how to solve?

An unexpected error occurred. mysqli error: [3065: Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'concrete5.f.fDateAdded' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT] in EXECUTE("SELECT DISTINCT f.fID, u.uN…

Migration issues

Hi all, I set up a concrete 5 site a couple years back for a friend of mine - all went fine. He then decided that he wanted to migrate to a new hosting service so i thought no problem took a direct copy of the file structure & exported the database. Recr…

Do I need a separate concrete5 install in each subdomain?

I have just upgraded my site, actually rewrote it, because my hosting company has updated php to V7.3 and my site was way back at C5 v5.6 and php 5.6.4. With only a few pages, I found it easier to just rebuild it with all the new versions. That site is …

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