
Filter page list or user list by attribute

Does anyone know of an add-on which will allow a front end site user to filter a page list or a user list by attributes. I would imagine it working something like on this site for the different carpet options: …

no translations shown in simple translations code

hi, strange problem, i have a page with a block that comes from an package. this is the file packages/packagename/blocks/blockname/view.php (with some names changed for this open forum): [code] [/code] i have translated the words agenda jaar and maa…

Translatting registration form into Dutch

Hi all! First of all, I'm sorry if this already has been post. I couldn't find it anywhere :-) I seem to have a problem with a Concrete5 website that I'm editing for a client during my internship. The whole website is in Dutch except for the regi…

Translatting registration form into Dutch

Hi all! First of all, I'm sorry if this already has been post. I couldn't find it anywhere :-) I seem to have a problem with a Concrete5 website that I'm editing for a client during my internship. The whole website is in Dutch except for the regi…

Website Displays White Page

I dont know what forum to go with this since i dint have this problem when i first started. Well i had concrete5 running for maybe 3-5 days now with no problems. But today i went to the website and it just displays a white page. I even checked with View S…

Can i use attribute to choose stack language

Looking throught the documentation, I'm wondering if it is possible to use page attributes to display a stack depending on the language chosen. Would that be the way to do go ? What would be the code to achieve this ? MAny thanks

How do I translate my theme?

Ok, so here's what I went through so far: 1) I coded my theme 2) I t-stringed all the hardcoded texts (and they need to be hardcoded) 3) I exported the strings via poedit. 4) I translated them 5) I uploaded them to /themes/mytheme/languages/xx_XX/LC_…

Error when Switching Default Language in Multilingual Setup

Hi all - I get the error below when I switch to Dutch language. What I did in order to get another language (and where I might be doing something wrong): Downloaded the language file from, renamed to, moved the file to /languages…

Some Browser go to the home page...

Bonjour everybody, i'm using Internationalization and It seems that some browser go to the "Root Home page". is there a way to prevent this? thanks in advance.

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