
Getting the multilingual Locale from Language

I have a string variable $Language with the value "nb" for the Norwegian language. How to get the related Norwegian Locale ie. "nb_NO" from that string? For an object $Lang as an example it's possible to get the related Locale from $Lang->getLocale(…

Cant install in a language other than English

Hi Yesterday i have problem with install C5 (clean 8.4.5) or RC 2 of 8.5.0 in other language.Today still exist. Installer run only in English. Error display is: "unpack(): Type V: not enough input, need 4, have 0".

Email body translation fails

My Norwegian translation fails for the standard email concrete/mail/validate_user_email.php and the email sent then contains the default English text. The email subject and other translations work OK, which means something is complete wrong in my email…

Change global locale programmatically

For users to open a single page in a multilingual site in their own language, I send them a link to that single page on email where the users' language is included as a URL parameter. In the single page's view.php I then set the language with the follo…

Multilingual web site home page with t() function

Is it possible in some way to utilize the t() function for for a string to be translated on the home page and other pages. I’m utilizing Concrete5’s latest version 8.4.4.

Guests based language selector

How to let the standard language selector mechanism presented in user account be available to guests not logged in? I’m utilizing Concrete5’s latest version 8.4.4.

Concrete5 multilingual page

Concrete5’s original solution for a multilingual web site is just too stupid, as there is a need for multiple pages ie. 1 page per language to be established in parallel representing the various languages in total. That’s all too stupid, isn’t it? I don't…

Corrupt fonts when CSV exported

I use typical form to get some data, but when this is exported Unicode fonts were corrupt. I record a video and saved it in my Dropbox. The version is 8.4.2 The data all visible good in th…

t() function in /tools folder isn't working

We have a PHP file in the / tools folder. This file is called with Ajax. We have noticed that no translation are generated with t () in this file. Does anyone know why? Here's another post with the same problem:…

Polskie tłumaczenie

Zapraszam wszystkich którzy chcieliby pomóc w tłumaczeniach. Od 16 stycznia jestem koordynatorem polskiej grupy tłumaczy, dzięki czemu mamy możlwiość szybkiego zatwierdzania / odrzucania tłumaczeń. Z tego co pamiętam jest ponad 6000 fraz do przetłumaczen…

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