Editing (v7+)

Changing image size in Testimonial block

I'm very new at Concrete5. I'm trying to edit the Team page that comes with the Elemental theme. It has Testimonial blocks and I want to add an image to each of them. Once I've added the image, the block increases to the size of the picture (plus the t…

Editing HTML

Hi, I'm pretty skilled with HTML, CSS, and JS, but new to concrete5. I want to make some changes to the html document but am unable to locate it... I have been editing CSS with good success but obviously need the HTML to do any real changes. I am using…

How to design the text inside t()

I create a block template. In form.php - For example: [code] [/code] I want to add fontaswome icon before the word "setting"

How to get this Retina version thumbnails ?

Deafult: File Manager Thumbnails (Retina Version) 120 x 120 dimensions (look at the screenshot i added). This is my code (works fine): [code] ""; [code] will get the deafult 60X60 I dont find any handle for the retina version.

Unable to Move/copy a page

When I go to copy a page on my website the loading symbol comes up but then stays like that and does not copy the page. Anybody else having issues with this?

Facebook Sharing Platform

Hi, Please I need some advice on how to do this. In clicking the fb share icon it brings up this message: Log in to use your Facebook account with Share_platform_default I add my fb account and it brings this up: Misconfigured App Sorry, Share_…

Error when submitting edits of a block

Hi I've copied a block from one page to another, afterwards I constantly get errors when saving edits of any block, like this: "RAW http://www.steen-madsen.dk/index.php?cID=124&bID=347&arHandle=Main&ccm_token=XXXXX&rcID=0{"aID": "19","arHandle": "Ma…

Elemental theme styling

Hi there, I installed 5.7 for the first time now and I am stuck immideately. Elemental theme comes with design presets (color schemes) I don't want to use them how can I disable this?? I wanted to color a font in the content block. Apparently the colo…

Blocks css/js - reduce of HTTP requests

I want to create a gallery block with JS libary from a framework. "THE PROBLEM" - i dont want to add HTTP req for blocks (css and JS). My blocks use the global css of the site (i change the selectors namespaces of view.php to fits this). In one of t…

Text is outside of Edit mode dotted lines

Hi all, First of all, I am afraid that I'm only a WYSIWYG editor--I don't know any coding languages (super beginner). Since my last developer left, I'm on my own. Now to my problem: I found a line of text that is outside of the edit mode dotted lines.…

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