Editing (v7+)

Create a Blog Entry only with Code

I want the composer output to be 100% in the PHP code (dont want to go to "page types" - "deafults" and than add att..blocks and the "composer block") 100% code its more easy for me to get the layout and CSS The code is working (i add in the compos…

Home Page Main Menu order of subpages

On my homepage at www.papull.com, the main menu at the top of the page I have 10 items and when anyone visiting hovers over some of the menu items it brings up the drop down to sub pages. I wish for the order of the sub page items to be in alphabetical …

"Add layout" does not show layout on creation

Can anyone tell me why I can not get layouts to work as I want? http://youtu.be/xrdjWzohWPc?hd=1 NB. the screencast I just made was done on a clean new install with no customization at all done in chrome.

Change the home page

Hello, I ask myself this question: Since the home page of a site is a Concrete5 page that you can not move in the hierarchy of pages, what if we want to change it completely? I would change the visual of my homepage, not move the index. Should I creat…

Sticky nav - and C5 UI

I try some JS for sticky position. its work well (I have the same problem with scrollSpy JS) Like this for example: http://getuikit.com/docs/sticky.html THE PROBLEM - The JS Default top : 0 - is Below the C5 top Bar (0 from top of the window object…

Changing column widths - won't save

I am brand new to C5 ... just started working with it on Localhost today. I created an empty page, and assigned a 2 column layout (free-form layout) to the Main area. I have it unlocked so I should be able to drag and drop the widths of my columns, righ…

Editing image slider not working

Hi, when I try to edit image slider I get in edit window a web site I just tri to edit. Look attached image. Any idea what should I do with this? Thank you. Regards David

How to backup, then update my website

I installed Concrete5 way back in 2009 with the EOS theme. I am currently using version I have tried in the past to do an update, but every time has failed, crashed my site, and I've had to call and beg Bluehost to backdate my site. Now it is cr…

Concrete5 and materializecss.com

I trying to create a theme with this framerowrk: http://materializecss.com/ The components and css work well but in the JS some of the code dont work well in the C5 system (the modal for example) what is the best way to check this problems? (i dont…

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