Editing (v7+)

Emails to notify me of Comments does not work

Hello, I discovered recent Spam on the comments of my blog since December 31st, and they hit my Blogs randomly. Now I am in the process of deleting. Problems: 1) I went into one Blog that had good comments from a person I know, but when I decided …

Editing your own made page with concrete

Hello everyone; I just installed C5 last version to my site. I was hoping Concrete would edit my own created site that maden by Dreamweaver but I guess I got Concrete very wrong. I installed the "Full site" option and what I see is a page that made by …

Pretty URL's work initially, but then not

Hmmmm...I have a brand new site I have set up on a VPS where I set up one user, and that user lives in the /~www directory.... When people go to the URL: http://www.honeypoint3d.com ....they are able to click on the links anywhere on the front pag…

permissions - why only the admin can view registered users content

Hi, I am struggling with the permissions. Although i have created some groups and allowed access to 'registered users' only to view certain content, it seems that nobody can view the content apart from the admin! I am including screenshots from the…

Still Can't Add New Content Blocks

I just updated to the newest version today hoping it would fix this issue, but it did not. I'm using a custom theme and it was working great a couple of months ago, I had 3 pages built, then the ability to add a new CONTENT block quit working. I c…

Form not submitting to email

Please help! I have added a form but when it is submitted it is not being sent to my clients email. I cannot find anywhere to add in an email address for the form to go to....please can someone tell me what I am missing as at the moment no enquiries a…

Any way to mass delete stacks?

Hi! No idea if this is possible, but we have about 200+ stacks that we need to delete. Is there any way to mass delete these or are we stuck removing them one by one? Thanks! Melinda

Can't edit an existing form - Tomoac Form 5

Hi there A websites has got Tomoac Form 5 installed. We would like to edit some fields but it doesn't seem possible... When you go to a page where a form is displayed and click on the block to Edit it, an "Edit Tomoac Form 5" popup appears (see image …

concrete5 TinyMCE Office Config Sample for 5.6.x and earlier

When you want to customize the buttons of concrete5 TinyMCE editor, you need to create your own config text file. If you feel you’re troublesome, you may want to subtract the options from Office Theme from concrete5. I’ve created the sample of offic…

"Page not found" when editing Tracking Code. It doesn't accept tag.

Hi there When adding a tracking code (Sitewide Settings -> Tracking code), I get "Page not found" error. For some reason it doesn't accept tag. Simple text or comments work fine though. Concrete5 v. PHP 5.3.29 Why is this happening and…

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