Editing (v7+)


Is it possaible to make a 2nd menu item not clickable ? In my menu its just a section not a page ie Products goes to Machines which goes to Mach 1, Mach 2, Mach 3 I only want people to beable to click on the Mach1, 2 & 3. but still get there b…


Hi I have changed the coding to change colours etc however the attached image is the one colour I can't change. as all the text is yellow i dont want that hover to be yellow how do I change that colour

Tags for images in file manager

I see in the file manager that every file (or image in my case) has it's own set of properties, one of those being "tags". I also see that this field is limited in length, though I can find no documentation stating what the limit is. Does anyone know if…

Blog Archive Tags/Buttons Not Working

Apologies, if I've got this fundamentally wrong, but I presume with my C5 Blog, under Archive, when I click on the Year/Months they are suppose to take me to articles published in those time-frames - if so, mine aren't working, I get no "reaction" from th…

Sub content H1 heading on every page

Every page on my project displays the page name as a H1 heading that I cant edit out. From what i've found out i need to edit the CSS to remove it... i have no HTML skills at all and need some help. the theme i'm using is MINIFIED and the site is ht…

Cant add a photo

When I try to add a photo the screen will show up however I am unable to add anything. The page is blank any suggestions???

Page Name/ID appears as content

Hi, have just started a new project, hard to explain but the HOME page name is showing on the home page..... so top left is the logo, HOME is in the Nav bar... but then it just says home underneath the nav bar as a title??? cant remove it anywhere? …

Can no longer login to Dashboard

Hi there, Wondering if anyone knows if changing the site's main admin user "email address" would cause me not to be able to login to dashboard? I can get to C5 login page, but then when I try to login, it brings me to a white screen, no error or anything…

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