Editing (v7+)

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Where do I input the site name when I want to access the Marketplace? I cannot find a window to include the site name that when I try to access the Marketplace

Super User Cannot Bulk Delete Users

I am logged into C5 as the super user. When I go to Search Users and tick the box next to a number of users and use the dropdown menu "With Selected" to select Delete - I am presented with a dialog box titled "Delete" that says, "Users you don't have …

Log in problem

Good morning/evening my site is working fine but when i log in to eddit all the pages are just a blank screen? any ideas?

Asmiller Gallery Addon

Hi guys, Can anybody help me how to achieve this function. I want to add a previous and next image/button in Asmiller Gallery Addon. Sorry for the noob question =) Thanks!

Deleting Block

Is it possible to completely delete a specific block from the dashboard? I keep having the edit bar disappear after putting in Javascript. How can I do this? Thanks!

Admin user can't add blog pages

The permissions on the page say that admins should be able to alter the page. I (superadmin and first user) can alter pages, but my fellow admin (username: traceygordon) cannot. In particular, when logged in as traceygordon, I cannot add a subpage. Help!

Page and block permissions for

Hello, Does a page permission override a block permission? For example, if I set the "View" item permission for Guest on a block, but then remove "Guest" from "view" for the whole page, does this mean I don't have to worry about removing Guest from View …

Advanced Permisisons for

Hello, Is there anyone that would be able to answer detailed questions about advanced permissions for I have a few questions, one question is can we add another default group. Right now all permission items have Administrator as default. Th… Unable to Modify an Existing Layout

A client pointed out that they could no longer modify a layout but had to create a new one with this version upgrade. I confirmed that I am also unable to change the number of columns or rows on a layout once created now. Is there something new I do…

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