Editing (v7+)

Problems with ss_site_title not solved in other posts

On the computer that edited the site, in "Chrome" the titlebar and footer both show the correct title. In IE, they do not. It does not matter weather they are logged on to the site or not. I thought perhaps an issue with the cache of IE, and tried a…

Need Help! Added tracking code. Messed up site.

Hello, my site went live and looked fine. But after I added the google analytics tracking code and go to the site I get this message: Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home6/sfmuniha/public_html/jennysgiantburger/packages/theme_na…

Loading icon will not go away, adding blocks

Hi, I cannot add any blocks, it just hangs there with the loading icon. I'm 100% stuck. I've tried all browsers, updating, resinstalling, always the same. I debugged and grabbed the following shots, please help. It seems like it cannot find the…

getting userid in 3rd party php file

Hi, I need to get the userid of the currently loggedin user into a an variable. In old concrete it was in a session, but after the security system was changed i can't get it from the session anymore. As the php file is not loaded from concrete5 i ca…

A problem with Pretty URLs and German Umlauts

I have experienced an inconsistency in how page names with German Umlauts are translated into pretty URLs: if a German Umlaut is located within a page name like for instance "Lösung", the canonical URL will be ".../loesung" what is correct. However, i…

Dashboard Customization

Hello, I want to customize the dashboards options. Let me explain the scenario . I have a multi user site. Admin can access everything from dashboard but when user logs in, he can only customize few things like add page, change color but no global setti…

Login Attempts

I have a user that cannot log-in. He keeps getting Captcha correct but it goes to another screen saying he's exceeded the number of log-in attempts. I've deleted him as a user and added him back using different user names and such. I am not a coder. Could…

Convert the Standard Blog page to a Right column?

I'm trying to figure out how I can convert the basic Blog entry page to include a right side column, site wide content. I have a number of already built blog pages. Can I edit the standard template and have it effect all the already built pages? and If so…

Core Commerce Merchant Account Question

I have a customer that wants to use his bank for credit card processing. Is there a way to use a merchant that's not listed as one of the concrete5 payment gateway add-ons? Or do you have to use Sage, Authorize.net, or one of the add-ons that's already …

Site Display on Mobile

My current problem is how my sites displays on mobile. Attached is pieced together screenshots of my desktop site and how it displays on mobile. As you can see in the attachment....the blocks get pushed to the left half of the screen on mobile. The …

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