Editing (v7+)

view local website on ipad

Hi, One of my clients is going overseas and would like to download the entire website onto his ipad so he can go through it with clients. I thought it would be straightforward and I could set up a local environment with MAMP on his ipad. Unfortunate…

Need some help with the "Form Tableless Layout" Add-on.

I building a site for a client that has a quick contact form that is native on all the pages other then the contact page. I have copied and edited the template file tableless_layout.php and changed the name to tableless_layout2.php. I have commented…

Link name removal

I removed the Blog Name under scrapbook; however, my blog name still appears over my header. Can someone tell me how to fix this? I'm new to this program and feel utterly lost. Any help would be apprecaited. Site is at arkielad.com if you need to know …


File /customers/3/c/9/gala-building.co.uk/httpd.www/themes/galab/view.php not found. All themes need default.php and view.php files in them. Consult concrete5 documentation on how to create these files.

Jquery Failure

I am having trouble getting my gallery to work properly and I'm seeking advice on how to fix it. Here is my header code below:

Page Type Permissions (need help quick!)

I've created many page types for a client. I don't want them to be admins and accessing the dashboard. Anyway, the page types I've created with my admin account are not showing up under their account. I can access and add them with my account no problem. …

RSS displayer block not updating

i'm trying to take a feed from tumblr and its not updating until i go in and edit it. i did change the interval to 60 seconds but still doesnt work. on 5.4.2 by the way.

Putting in Footer an html file, but it is not displayed

Hi there, I have an html file that I want to put in the footer. I have already uploaded the file to themes/images and modified the path, so as the footer.php finds the file. However, it is not displayed. Please any help, what am I doing wrong? Tha…

How to access the css/html?

I'm trying to change the "my site" to an image header and the info in the faq does not seem to be working for me-the third option says Alternatively you can get into the files that power your template on the backend and change it there. How do you f…

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