5.7b1 installs, 5.7 does not
I jjust cloned 5.7 from github to my local LAMP machine, and did all the steps to install, but all I get is a blank page. My install of 5.7b1, however, worked fine.
I get no errors in my mysql.log or my apache2 error.log. I just get 200 when I go to / to /index.php/install
"GET /index.php/install HTTP/1.1" 200
"GET / HTTP/1.1" 200
So I was trying to debug, and I could not find the equivilant of the "site.php" in 5.7. Where does the DB config go?
I also tried installing with
./install-concrete5.php \
--db-server=localhost \
--db-username=xxxx \
--db-database=c57 \
--starting-point=blank \
--admin-password=xxxxxxx \
--admin-email=xxxxxxx@xxx.com \
--target=/home/jw/src/c57 \
--site=concrete57sample \
--core=/home/jw/src/concrete5-5.7.0/web/concrete/ \
and I get the fatal error
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Concrete\Core\Foundation\ClassAliasList' not found in /store/jw/src/concrete5-5.7.0/web/concrete/src/Foundation/ClassLoader.php on line 41
I did a "composer install", and all "grunt" install.. All that went smooth.
As there is no activity at all to the database, I suspect, at least, the DB config is not corrent... but where to I edit that?
Any clues om hoe to actually install the latest 5.7 (SHA c294015aa4) would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all
I get no errors in my mysql.log or my apache2 error.log. I just get 200 when I go to / to /index.php/install
"GET /index.php/install HTTP/1.1" 200
"GET / HTTP/1.1" 200
So I was trying to debug, and I could not find the equivilant of the "site.php" in 5.7. Where does the DB config go?
I also tried installing with
./install-concrete5.php \
--db-server=localhost \
--db-username=xxxx \
--db-database=c57 \
--starting-point=blank \
--admin-password=xxxxxxx \
--admin-email=xxxxxxx@xxx.com \
--target=/home/jw/src/c57 \
--site=concrete57sample \
--core=/home/jw/src/concrete5-5.7.0/web/concrete/ \
and I get the fatal error
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Concrete\Core\Foundation\ClassAliasList' not found in /store/jw/src/concrete5-5.7.0/web/concrete/src/Foundation/ClassLoader.php on line 41
I did a "composer install", and all "grunt" install.. All that went smooth.
As there is no activity at all to the database, I suspect, at least, the DB config is not corrent... but where to I edit that?
Any clues om hoe to actually install the latest 5.7 (SHA c294015aa4) would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all
I'm looking for the site.php as well.... anyone an idea? Stuff didn't work out with the themes - obviously got more complicated there - and I need to re-install....
It's actually now application/config/database.php. You can delete this and empty your database and you'll be able to reinstall. Sorry for the confusion. The new directory structure document is coming very soon.