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Hi, I was just playing with a theme in 5.7, if I add $a->enableGridContainer(); to an area the site starts throwing an error “Call to a member function getPageThemeGridFrameworkNumColumns() on a non-object “ Anyone know why it’s doing that?
That's a good article, thanks for suggesting it and thanks Remo!
If you learn any more tricks post them here. Im struggling with the new requirements.
Other than this grid container thing, working with themes doesn't seem much different. Some helpers look like they need to load a different. I haven't gotten into blocks yet. As I find things I'm updating my cheatsheet to show the difference in 5.6x and 5.7x code,http://www.weblicating.com/cheat-sheet/...
Can you paste all the code from the area creation ?
<div class="main col-md-12"> <!--Full Width Column--> <?php $a = new Area('Main'); $a->enableGridContainer(); $a->display($c); ?> </div> <!--End Column-->
If I do an install of 5.7 with no content, then install a bootstrap 3 theme that works with 5.6x everything works as expected. When I add $a->enableGridContainer() to an area it throws the error.
If I do the install with demo content and install the theme that does not have any $a->enableGridContainer() on the areas it throws the error as soon as I activate and go to the home page.
Same issue on my installation.
That makes me feel better! Looking forward to hear what the C5 boys have to say about it.
This happen when the page_theme.php is missing.
about updating a block. I haven't seen anything on themes yet.