Annoying popup with Compare versions and Hide present on most pages

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An annoying weird-looking popup with several versions started to appear on some of my pages. It offers several items with Compare version button and nothing else, except in the lower right corner there's a Hide button, which does hide it but on the page reload it reappears.

If I go ahead and compare versions - I can do nothing about it except to close it.

So what seems to be the purpose of this? It's really disturbing during the development.

ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply

I just did an update of C57, and I have it now as well, and yeah, it's horribly annoying and I have yet to see it's usefullness. Can somne eitehr explain to me it's value, or how to get rid of it?

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
This seems to be a problem when something breaks when approving a page, the page approval process doesn't complete properly. Usually this happens when some custom development causes the approval to die, it shouldn't be something you encounter normally.

That said, if you see this problem, run this query in your database:

truncate table PageWorkflowProgress;

That should clear up those overlays.
hissy replied on at Permalink Reply
I've got the same weird pop-up, so I made a Job that clears empty workflow. It might help people who have trouble with this issue.
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
works, thanks !
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
This may be a really dumb question, but HOW is a Job installed? I see no option on the Jobs page that allows me to add a job. I have added the job to the database manually, cleared cache, but still it does not show up.

I also can not seem to find documentation about how to do this, and google search is also coming up dry.

WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply

Upload this file to your_site_root/application/jobs/clear_empty_workflow_progress.php
Clear cache from your dashboard
Go to "Automated Jobs" page in dashboard, and install this job
Run the job
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
I get that... i read the same post you quoted. but it is the

Go to "Automated Jobs" page in dashboard, and install this job

that I am not getting.

Exactly HOW do I "install this job".

I entered it into the database as a last resort effort. After it failed, I removed it.
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
added to the database ? that's not what it says
copy it to your application folder
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
It is in my application/jobs folder.. as per the instructions
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
it should show up in


there you should be able to install it
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I see this now. It seems the dev site root was changed to a different tree and my IDE was still pointing to the old one. Great! thanks
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
no problem, glad it works now
litteraria replied on at Permalink Reply
Worked great -- thanks tons! :D
katz515 replied on at Permalink Reply
here is concrete5 job

- Download & save it as "clear_empty_workflow_progress.php"
- Upload it to /application/jobs/
- Go to dashboard - system and settings - optimize - automated jobs
- Install this job
- Run the job
- You can delete the job after you're done.
publicb replied on at Permalink Reply
solved the problem for me. thanks a lot!