Autonav empty when logged out?

I'm working on my navigation and just noticed that when I'm logged out, my autonav menu is empty. Shows all the correct links when logged in as admin. I checked the pages permissions and they all are set to allow guests to view, and under Site Access settings it's set to public. I've saved and published the pages... any ideas why this is happening? Am I missing a step?

hissy replied on at Permalink Reply
a. Stack approval issue

1. Go to "Stacks" page in Dashboard
2. Change to "Global Area" view
3. Select "Header Navigation" area
4. Click Approve button if it displayed

b. Stack permission issue

1. Go to "Full Sitemap" page in Dashboard
2. Click "Include System Pages in Sitemap"
3. Click "Stacks" page and open the menu
4. Check out the permission settings, if Guest group has view permission or not