Avoid using ultra light fonts in the 5.7 UI

Hi, just playing with the Beta of 5.7. It's looking great and will take some getting used to which is absolutely fine. However, a lot of the UI fonts seem in a ultra fine weight.

This makes it very difficult to read and when the fonts appear small on the drag and drop blocks they are illegible. I have very good eyesight but I am struggling to read the UI.

Please could this font weight issue please be re-considered?


hissy replied on at Permalink Reply

thin fonts looks beautiful, but CMS is not a campaign website, it is a tool we daily use...
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I'd go as far as calling this a bug or an accessibility issue. I've posted this in github here:

The fine font in grey to add block is passible on a retina screen, but quite illegible on a normal display. It probably renders a bit differently across browsers, but on Chrome on mac it's just not readable.

The feel of 5.7 is nice, but the left slide-in panel does concern me from an accessibility point of view, with the contrasts of font sizes being too low.

Don't forget that people with visual impairments and a wide range of disabilities also use concrete5!
Hypocrite replied on at Permalink Reply

CMS is a tool and the most important thing is that all end-users can use it without struggling.

I personally have some problems with my eyes and working with a tool with poor contrast can be quite a struggle when you have to pause every other moment to try to make sense of some word.

I have also noticed that although the monitor sizes generally have gone bigger, there are still very big differences how different monitors show contrast. For example on my own display some light grey text on white background or dark grey text on a black background can be clearly read but if I open the same webpage on a display in my work place, I might not be able to read the text at all.

This should also be easily fixed by making the fonts a bit heavier and also making the colour of the font stand out more from the background. Grey on black can be extremely difficult on some displays.
shondy replied on at Permalink Reply

I also agree that the contrast is poor in the dashboard, especially in areas there the background is dark and the text has a hover state, or in particular the drag and drop block labels. I know this has probably already been debated, but the contrast needs to be increased IMO.

Moving forward, I would like to help with UI and accessibility issues but I think posting willy-nilly in the forums isn't exactly the most efficient way to go about things. It would e nice if there could be a category/subcategory type forum set up that people could comment on this type of stuff that's not necessarily a bug issue.
shondy replied on at Permalink Reply
OK- I take that back...filters :)

May more granular subcategory type filters?

Still need to fix the contrast though.
lwduk replied on at Permalink Reply
I hope the 5.7 UI/UX typography issue doesn't get overlooked.

Interesting reading!
