Call to a member function getUrl() on a non-object (1)
Hello Everyone,
We are trying to work with a client right now and update their website a little bit. The site runs version 5.7.2 of Concrete5 and while trying to update something on the page we ran into this error.
Exception Occurred: html/packages/ct_red_five_seven/blocks/extended_caption/view.php:5 Call to a member function getUrl() on a non-object (1)
On Line 5 is this code
Does anyone have any ideas?
We are trying to work with a client right now and update their website a little bit. The site runs version 5.7.2 of Concrete5 and while trying to update something on the page we ran into this error.
Exception Occurred: html/packages/ct_red_five_seven/blocks/extended_caption/view.php:5 Call to a member function getUrl() on a non-object (1)
On Line 5 is this code
$c = Page::getCurrentPage(); $f = File::getByID($fID); $fullPath = $f->getUrl(); <-- Line 5 $relPath = $f->getRelativePath();
Does anyone have any ideas?
Whichever file you're trying to access with $fID doesn't exist. So the $f is null.
Chuck in a check to make sure $f is set
if($f) { $f->getUrl(); }
Thanks for the suggestion, so this is what happens when I do that.
The error on the page edit screen turns into "File not found"
And the error in the logs is
"Exception Occurred: html/updates/concrete5.7.4.2_remote_updater/concrete/vendor/imagine/imagine/lib/Imagine/Image/AbstractImagine.php:67 File does not exist. (0)"
I understand that it's missing something, I just don't know what it is missing.
Thanks for the suggestion, so this is what happens when I do that.
The error on the page edit screen turns into "File not found"
And the error in the logs is
"Exception Occurred: html/updates/concrete5.7.4.2_remote_updater/concrete/vendor/imagine/imagine/lib/Imagine/Image/AbstractImagine.php:67 File does not exist. (0)"
I understand that it's missing something, I just don't know what it is missing.
protected function checkPath($path) { // provide compatibility with objects such as \SplFileInfo if (is_object($path) && method_exists($path, '__toString')) { $path = (string) $path; } $handle = @fopen($path, 'r'); if (false === $handle) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('File %s does not exist.', $path)); <-- line 67 } fclose($handle); return $path; } }