cannot edit site after trying to embed mailchimp form

I was trying to embed a mailchimp form and when I had pasted the code (in html block) my site got stuck.

It works okay for visitors but I cannot do any more editing at all.

I got the 'this page is pending approval' message at first but I cannot publish my changes nor discard them.

I have gone back a couple of versions using the sitemap and cleared caches but no luck. I have tried a different browser that I hadn't used before but that did not help either.

I guess there is some js/jquery code somewhere that messes things up but I have no clue how to find/change/delete it. I am really a web editor not a developer so even the Chrome developers view I only half understand. But I could see there are some problems and they are definitely caused by this Mailchimp-embed-script and 'dojo' (I have kept a copy so recognize the references). I attach an image of the error messages. The site is here:

I guess I have to delete something somewhere, but I do not know where to look for it and what to do exactly. I checked through some js folders in the Concrete installation but I could not detect anything recently changed or added.

I can find another way for a form so I don't need a solution to make this one work. I only want to get rid of the code that blocks the editing.

Any help would be very much appreciated!

Thanks, Yola

1 Attachment

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You should
1- go to your database and look for a table labelled btContentLocal
2- look for the line where the field labelled content contains your piece of code
3- delete the text in the content field (not the whole line)
4- Go to your page and remove the block
Yola replied on at Permalink Reply
Dear mnakalay, thanks a million, very clear instructions, and it worked! (after clearing cache once more).

The culprit was the last line in the table, which makes sense. I should remember that this table exists, I gather it keeps stuff not yet published (local) which, if you cannot edit your site and remove things, might get orphaned there.

[Every time I have a Concrete issue like this I think I should learn more about databases and code, but I only do a handful of sites a year and forget what I have picked up the previous time.]

So I'm immensely grateful that there are helpful people around on this forum, like yourself - thanks again, you turned this into a sunny day.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
You are very welcome.