CLI broken in PHP7
I have a command line utility that used to run in PHP 6
Inside init.php, on line 1, is
When session_start is called I get the following xdebug stack trace
So, looking at concrete/src/Error/Run?PHP7CompatibleRun.php, line 36 i see
so I did a var_dump of $arguments, and it output a 35 MB file !
Is this a PHP7 issue? is there any ETA on getting CLI to run under PHP7?
<?php define('DIR_BASE', "/home/jw/sites/beta/web"); //define('DIR_BASE', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/web'); define('C5_ENVIRONMENT_ONLY', true); require_once('/home/jw/sites/beta/web/application/config/database.php'); if (!defined('REDIRECT_TO_BASE_URL')) { define('REDIRECT_TO_BASE_URL', false); } require '/home/jw/sites/beta/web/concrete/bootstrap/configure.php'; require '/home/jw/sites/beta/web/concrete/bootstrap/autoload.php'; require('/home/jw/sites/beta/web/concrete/config/app.php'); $cms = require '/home/jw/sites/beta/web/concrete/bootstrap/start.php'; $allshows = require("/home/jw/sites/beta/web/application/config/site.php");
Inside init.php, on line 1, is
When session_start is called I get the following xdebug stack trace
Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /HOST/store/jw/sites/istandc57/web/packages/istand_tv_tools/vendor/jw/utils/utils.php:2) in file /HOST/store/jw/sites/istandc57/web/application/config/site.php on line 4 Stack trace: 1. Whoops\Exception\ErrorException->() /HOST/store/jw/sites/istandc57/web/application/config/site.php:4 | array(1) { | [0]=> | string(177) "session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /HOST/store/jw/sites/istandc57/web/packages/istand_tv_tools/vendor/jw/utils/utils.php:2)" | } 2. Whoops\Run->handleError() :0 | Arguments dump length greater than 1024 Bytes. Discarded. 3. call_user_func_array() /HOST/store/jw/sites/istandc57/web/concrete/src/Error/Run/PHP7CompatibleRun.php:37 | Arguments dump length greater than 1024 Bytes. Discarded. 4. Concrete\Core\Error\Run\PHP7CompatibleRun->__call() :0 | Arguments dump length greater than 1024 Bytes. Discarded. 5. session_start() /HOST/store/jw/sites/istandc57/web/application/config/site.php:4 | array(0) {
Viewing 15 lines of 26 lines. View entire code block.
So, looking at concrete/src/Error/Run?PHP7CompatibleRun.php, line 36 i see
return call_user_func_array($callable, $arguments);
so I did a var_dump of $arguments, and it output a 35 MB file !
Is this a PHP7 issue? is there any ETA on getting CLI to run under PHP7?