Concrete5 5.7.1 marketplace: Can't install add-ons

Here's the error I get when attempting to install any add-on from Dashboard>Extend Concrete5 [right after connecting to marketplace with Concrete5 5.7.1]:
An unexpected error occurred.
Class \Concrete\Attribute\Rating\Service does not exist
I tried with a fresh Concrete5 installation...same issue.

Any ideas?

System: CentOS 6.5, PHP 5.5x MySQL 5.5x, Apache 2.2x

WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
this has been reported as a bug.
If your site is linked to the marketplace you might be able to install by.

Logging into the markeplace outside of your site - go to and login.

Then buy the item you want (free or paid - all the same).
After doing this assign the licence to your 5.7.1 project.
Go back to your website and login and you hopefully can download and install.

I was able to on mine. Let us know if it works ok.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, this a bug we will fix shortly. In the meantime you can fix it by renaming concrete/attributes/rating/Service.php to concrete/attributes/rating/service.php (lowercase s)
Sollo replied on at Permalink Reply
So new standardization issue? I should have must be a painful
transition. Thanks for taking time to respond.