Concrete5 is very slow - Solved and Improved

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I am using on lighttpd on my RaspberryPi.

Concrete5 is very slow. Most of the googling results for speeding it up talks about older versions which does not apply to newer version.

I'm showing other people it and if it's slow they won't like it and won't use it. I need to make it snappy. Right now it "drags". People want speed.

How can I speed it up?

madesimplemedia replied on at Permalink Reply

I find PHP7 and Opcache really speed up C5.

That's assuming you don't have some sort of issue with your theme or something. Does it run slow with a fresh install of C5 and the default Elemental theme?

leegold replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes it's the default install. It's slow right out of the box!?

There was something I read called "page statistics" I could turn off. But I don't see that anywhere. I want to turn off all extra stuff I can.

This slowness is disappointing because c5 is exactly what I'm looking for because users can edit and update so easy, that's great.

Sorry for my negativity , I've been trying to find a decent CMS for months. The fast ones are featureless and the good ones seem slow.
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, what's the decision for running on a Raspberry Pi? Isn't that platform going to be a little under-powered for this kind of task (I may well be wrong, I'm a little out of the loop on those kinds of devices). Do you get similar speed issues if you run on some kind of laptop/desktop machine with more grunt?
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I was thinking along the same lines as AndyJ. Never used a Pi, but my gut reaction is that it would be under-powered for running a web server and CMS. As well as processor speed, RAM size and hence virtual memory paging could be contributing to the low performance.
leegold replied on at Permalink Reply
RaspberryPi - It's a cheap local server I can test on. No doubt part of the problem - it's a little under-powered CPU-wise. Flat-file CMS's are usually fast on it.

I wanted to speculate about something:

There are about 270 DB tables in my C5 implementation. This is pure speculation but maybe that's a performance bottle-neck. It would be interesting to denormalize the DB and see if that helps. Denormalize while maintaining integrity...resulting in less DB reads and processing.

Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
At risk of getting thrown out of the forum, it would be interesting to know how a Wordpress install performs on that hardware. It is a basically similar architecture (php, MySQL, etc).

Make sure that your concrete5 cache settings are enabled (unless editing).
RickJ replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm also fairly new to C5 and went through a period of slow performance. I discovered a number of online performance measuring tools that really helped me identify and optimize bottlenecks. . If your server is internet accessible then you may find these kinds of tools useful. Here are two of many out there.
RickJ replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm also fairly new to C5 and went through a period of slow performance. I discovered a number of online performance measuring tools that really helped me identify and optimize bottlenecks. . If your server is internet accessible then you may find these kinds of tools useful. Here are two of many out there.
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
Depending on the Raspi Version, it can be very slow. I've set up webservers on Raspis (used nginx instead Apache) but it still found it a little sluggish.

If you really want to use a mini-computer, get yourself a geekbox ( it has some more features and I've successfully set it up to work as a WiFi Access-point (in recent Ubuntu Version out-of-the-box), running a Webserver that can easily take 30-40 simultaneous users. Easily enough for a showcase server.

It will still be slower as a 32GB-Ram Webserver though :)
leegold replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks to posters for insight. I realize that a rasp pi is not a production server ! In any event I tried PHP7 with opcache and modified the Pi's Rasparian (its Linux distro) to run off a usb flash vs. the SD card, supposedly that's faster. And, it has sped up a good deal. I like C5 a lot and aim to learn it. Thanks.