On this api documentation
There are function for "setBlockWrapperStart"
function setBlockWrapperStart($html, $hasReplacements = false) {
$this->enclosingStart = $html;
$this->enclosingStartHasReplacements = $hasReplacements;
Specify HTML to automatically print before blocks contained within the area
Pass true for $hasReplacements if the $html contains sprintf replacements tokens.
Available tokens:
%1$s -> Block ID
%2$s -> Block Type Handle
%3$s -> Block/Stack Name
%4$s -> Block position in area (first block is 1, second block is 2, etc.)
%5$s -> 'odd' or 'even' (useful for "zebra stripes" CSS classes)
But above code is not working with 5.7 version
$a = new Area('Main');
$a->setBlockWrapperStart('<div id="row%4$s">', true);
Can anyone please guide me how to add "%4$s -> Block position in area " in 5.7
There are function for "setBlockWrapperStart"
function setBlockWrapperStart($html, $hasReplacements = false) {
$this->enclosingStart = $html;
$this->enclosingStartHasReplacements = $hasReplacements;
Specify HTML to automatically print before blocks contained within the area
Pass true for $hasReplacements if the $html contains sprintf replacements tokens.
Available tokens:
%1$s -> Block ID
%2$s -> Block Type Handle
%3$s -> Block/Stack Name
%4$s -> Block position in area (first block is 1, second block is 2, etc.)
%5$s -> 'odd' or 'even' (useful for "zebra stripes" CSS classes)
But above code is not working with 5.7 version
$a = new Area('Main');
$a->setBlockWrapperStart('<div id="row%4$s">', true);
Can anyone please guide me how to add "%4$s -> Block position in area " in 5.7