Custom Attribute Namespace

This is driving me nuts: I want to install a custom attribute type from my package controller, but whatever I try, the class (which is a clone of the number type attribute) is not found. I know the file is getting included because I can cause a parse error by making a typo, yet the package upgrade consistently produces an exception:

Class \Concrete\Package\Jero\Attribute\Organisation\Controller does not exist

My package controller:

namespace Concrete\Package\Jero;
use Concrete\Core\User\Group\Group;
use Package;
use Loader;
use \Concrete\Core\Attribute\Key\Category as AttributeKeyCategory;
use \Concrete\Core\Attribute\Type as AttributeType;
use Jero\Attribute\Organisation;
class Controller extends Package {
   protected $pkgHandle = 'jero';
   protected $appVersionRequired = '';
   protected $pkgVersion = '0.1';
   protected $pkgAutoloaderRegistries = array(
      'src/Jero/Attributes/Organisation' => '\Jero\Attribute\Organisation'
   public function upgrade () {

My attribute controller:

namespace Jero\Attribute\Organisation;
use Loader;
use \Concrete\Core\Foundation\Object;
use \Concrete\Core\Attribute\Controller as AttributeTypeController;
class Controller extends AttributeTypeController { snip.... }

Can anyone illuminate me as to why the class isn't found?
