Expose "Design" toolbar for anon users - HELP!

Hello, i have an issue i was hoping someone could help me resolve.. i am needing some special case functionality on a website im currently building, as it stands you need to be Logged in to view the ccm-toolbar.( i.e. the Edit toolbar that appears across the top of your screen) Which is fine - but i'm building a single-page sub-domain for the simple purpose of allowing 'visitors' to temporary edit the design of that page..think of the sub-domain like a working demo of the 'Design' side-panel, users should be able to make a few changes while not logged in an see the changes and hopefully get a sense of how easy it is to make design changes.. My problem is that i don't currently understand the new structure 5.7 fully enough (namespaces and new file structure) to simply "Dive' in and get my hands dirty without breaking...well...everything.. So i'm asking if anyone can point me to the right direction when it comes to setting up a single-page (probably in a package) with a controller that allows me to expose a limited version of the toolbar for guest access. Should i use Tools or routes in the App.php or something else?