File Manger Access Denied / Advanced Permissions

We've got a site with advanced permissions set and have set up an editors group.
All is OK and the pages can be edited etc BUT for a couple of things;

1. Adding files - when the site tries to 'popup' the file manager we get access denied
2. the site map pullout on the right side also gives access denied.

I cannot find where the permissions for these sections can be changed.

Any help would be appreciated.

Juha replied on at Permalink Reply
The file manager and sitemap are dashboard pages. If you haven't already, try giving the editors group access to these pages:

Dashboard / Sitemap / [some view, flat maybe?]
Dashboard / Files / File Manager
droomltd replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Juha

I've tried that, it doesn't seem to make any difference - see enclosed screenshot for my settings.
Juha replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmm... have you changed the access settings according to this guide?
Juha replied on at Permalink Reply
Also, there is this for changing sitemap permissions:
droomltd replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Juha

Thank - the sitemap option is now working - i'd forgotten to press save.

I still cannot get the file,manager to show up. I've set the permissions on the actual pages but there doesn't seem to be a file manager permissions options in concrete5.7 (unlike 5.6)

For example, adding an image - once the user tries to select an image the popup / screen gives a message 'access denied'.

Thank for your help so far

Juha replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Check System & Settings -> Files -> File Manager Permissions. You should find what you need there.

Sorry for pointing you to outdated instructions. I haven't much used the permission system in 5.7 myself, so kind of "blind leading the blind" case here. :)
droomltd replied on at Permalink Reply
Brilliant Juha,

Thank you very much, that's the menu i was looking for and it worked perfectly.

droomltd replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Hi Juha,

The client has flagged something else which i've almost done.
The 'editors' group couldn't create new pages, i've found the settings in the page type permissions and they can now add but even though i've added the group to the 'delete page' option delete is still not showing up in the left popout menu - see enclosed screen shots?

Any ideas?


Juha replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, I got nothing. =( Only things that spring to mind are to clear the cache and to make sure that the permissions of the page you are trying to delete do not differ from those of the page type.

I've had mixed results with Concrete5 permission system so I try to keep it as simple as possible whenever I can, and because of that my knowledge of it is very limited.
droomltd replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Juha,

I've figured it. In the sitemap it's all to do with the permissions of the parent and where it's sub pages are getting the permissions from. See enclosed screenshot.

Thanks for your help in this.

Juha replied on at Permalink Reply
Glad you got it working. Permissions can be a regular can of worms, especially when you go into block level permissions.