Getting wrong relative path from file id


i trying getting a simple path image from my custom block

add.php/ edit.php
has a select for image

   defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
   $al = Loader::helper('concrete/asset_library');
   <label><?php echo t('Image')?></label>
   <div class="input">   
      <?php echo $al->image('ccm-b-image', 'my_image', t('Choose Image'), null);?>

on my controller i getting my file
with this in the view

public function view(){ 
         $imageFile = File::getByID($this->post('my_image'));
         $fv = $imageFile->getApprovedVersion(); 
         $relpath = $fv->getRelativePath();
         $this->set('image', $relpath); 

this return in my view /files/