Google Analytics tracking code not insert in page code

Hi, I have a problem with Google Analytics code, it doesn't insert on the index or other pages code. So there is nothing to track.

I have copied the Analytics tracking code into the System / SEO / Tracking codes (as many times before). Tried to place it on header & footer.
But it doesn't appear to the code. Strange is that occasionally it can be found(!) and Analytics can get some visitor data. Tested several browsers with Mac and PC - no tracking code found.

Theme (Motif) works with Concrete5.7 and I have on server.
Any tips to solve this?

stewblack23 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey pedroC5

I would first make sure that your header and footer are global areas in your page templates. Then I would try and and hard code the Google Analytics into the page templates and see if it works.

Let me know how it goes.
pedroC5 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, stewblack23

thanks 4 your adwise. We tried to figure this out with my coder. He hard core the Google Analytics into the page, and it can be now found from the index and other pages code. Analytics works now :)

But we couldn’t make sure that the header and footer are in a global area.
I contacted the theme builder, he is coming back from holiday next week and will look at this.

Thanks for your help!