Help needed cannont change design anymore

Hi all I don't have a clou why that happened but somehow it doesn't work properly anymore.

I cannot switch between the templates in backend...

Argument 1 passed to Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\FormLayoutSetControl::getPageTypeComposerOutputControlObject() must be an instance of Concrete\Core\Page\Template, null given, called in /home/mysite/src/Page/Type/Composer/Control/BlockControl.php on line 70 and defined

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi eivissa89,

To better assist you, please include more specific details.

What is not working properly?

When does this problem happen?

When did it start happening?
eivissa89 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi MrKDilkington

Thanks for you quick reply!

I was setting up a new website, tested around with my own template and suddenly the options in the backen, where you can change from one to the other template disappeared and the error message came instead of a save button.

I am currently installing a new version of c5 but that's fairly annoying. :(
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

To clarify, you installed a custom theme that you made yourself, and when switching to another theme you received errors?

If so, I believe there were errors and/or missing files in your theme.
eivissa89 replied on at Permalink Reply
right, a custom theme...
honestly i was uploading/changing the designs several times... and after i while i recognized this error.

maybe it's something different...?!
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

What is the folder and file structure of your theme?

Have you read the documentation on theme making?
eivissa89 replied on at Permalink Reply
yes i am aware of this...
i am quite sure it was one of the addons.
hmm i think reinstalled concrete and it works fine so far (template is also installed).

strange... anyway many thank for your help!!

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