How much of the bootstrap 3.2 can i use

I have been playing around with the the 5.7 and using the different things from the bootstrap 3.2.

I did though notice that many of the things is not working as they normally would do.

So how much of the different things you see, on the bootstrap page, can i use in the 5.7.

By the way, i do like the new one, still trying to get used to using it, the right way.

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
If you're building a theme based on bootstrap, you can include the entire bootstrap 3.2 in your theme and use everything.

If you're building an add-on or a block and are relying on our built-in fork of bootstrap, here's a list of things we don't include (to save on CSS and JS size)

- glyphicons (since we have font awesome at our disposal)
- jumbotron
- modals
- carousel
- print stylesheet

Also, be advised: we currently are including a version slightly older than Bootstrap 3, which is another reason why it might not be working for you. I can't recall exactly which version it is off the top of my head, but we plan on moving to bootstrap 3.2 in 5.7.1.