IE8 Support?

Hi Everyone,

We have recently been provided with a requirement for a project which would like to have IE8 compatibility.

Does Concrete5.7 completely explode using IE8 or does it function in that browser?

Any insight would be very helpful.


ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Layout-wise it looks good to me (thanks to respond.js of course). But my Javascript (partly) fails (using IE8 in compatibility, I'm on IE11 myself), so not sure what happens when you really have the IE8 version. IE9 seems to be working as in every other browser.

Anyways, I always recommend users with IE8 (or IE at all) to install the free Google Chrome and mostly I have to do this myself as they haven't got the knowledge to do so :D
juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
Would "Run away!" be at all helpful?
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi InformaticsInc,

The concrete5 5.7 editing interface does not work in IE8 and is not officially supported (IE9 is supported).

The page output for IE8 appears to work as expected. I have not thoroughly tested every core block though (in general, it works).

If you need page output to support IE8, you will need to use jQuery and a handful of polyfills.

In case you don't know of this site, it is a fantastic resource.