Image Properties - Bulk Editing

Hi in the File Manager, if I select multiple files and then click on Item Selected and select Properties, I only get duration and width and height as editable properties.

In 5.6 you could bulk edit multiple properties. Is this going to get added to 5.7? Is there a work around this issue. Can I create a custom attribute that will replace the title so that my alt tags appear, without going to edit one by one?

Thanks M

agentorange replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey could anyone give some insight on this?

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi agentorange,

You can bulk edit multiple properties.

The reason you are only seeing duration, width, and height is because they are the default file properties. If you add new file attributes, they will be available when you edit file properties.

- create a new text file attribute called "Category"
Dashboard > Files > Attributes
- go back to the file manager and select multiple files and edit their properties
- "Category" is now a property that can be set
agentorange replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Thanks for the response. I am familiar with adding attributes and realised that the custom ones added I was able to edit multiple ones at once.

What I want is to edit the alt tag of each image which is pulled from the title of the image. I can't edit those main attributes as a bulk edit. This was available in 5.6.

Thanks M