Images not showing

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Hey guys. I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. I have searched the forum but not found any solution.

My problem is that when I browse my site with https everything is working perfectly. But when I browse the site with http no images are showing up.
When I view the source I see that all images are linked to https.

Any suggestions to what may be the issue?

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

Trying to understand why images are using https when you're browsing with http might not be the best thing to do.

You should have redirects in place to ensure only the https version is used:
1- your site will then be secure
2- Search engines won't index your site twice and eventually penalize you for it
3- When they do index your site it won't be penalized as non-secured sites will soon be
4- You'll avoid mixed content warnings and stuff not working like you have at the moment

I know that is not exactly what you asked but I hope it helps
LittleSnowman replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello mnakalay, thank you for your response.

You are right. I am focusing on the wrong issue here. It is of course better to use ssl only through the entire website.