is this a bug? Did I fix it or make things worse?

From a checked out version of 5.7 (and after I added a couple of my own unrelated blocks)..

adding a 'conversation' block to a page... it shows OK, but in the consile I get.. 500 Internal Server Error 117ms
{"error":{"type":"Whoops\\Exception\\ErrorException","message":"Class 'Concrete\\Block\\CoreConversation\\MessageList' not found","file":"\/store\/jw\/sites\/istandc57\/web\/concrete\/blocks\/core_conversation\/controller.php","line":42,"trace":[{"file":"\/store\/jw\/sites\/istandc57\/web\/concrete\/blocks\/core_conversation\/controller.php","line":42,"function":null,"class":null,"args":[]}]},"errors":["Class 'Concrete\\Block\\CoreConversation\\MessageList' not found"]}

It is complaining the class is missing. I see there is a "src/Conversation/Message/MessageList.php" (Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message), and there is MessageList Concrete\Block\CoreConversation, so, what gives?

I added..
use Concrete\Core\Conversation\Message\MessageList;
to /concrete\/blocks\/core_conversation\/controller.php, and the error went away, but I have not tested this.

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
This was as momentary hiccup in github but it has since been fixed.

Your fix should fix the issue too and be fine going forward.