locked out!

Ok, so I entered some php into a php block that was inserted into one of my pages.

The php contained an error which was displayed as the page refreshed.

But now I can't get back into page edit mode. All I get is the red error bar.

There must be a better way to insert page-specific custom php into specific areas of the page....

Does anyone have any words of wisdom?


WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
you could of course create a block for it

if you still cant view your page, revert it back to an older version
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, I see. So create a block with included php...? And then just drop the bock into the page. This would be a good solution, but the php with the same block needs to be slightly different for each page. I guess I would then have to create a different block for each different page?

Referring back to an older version is a good solution for now.

WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
i dont know what the difference is for every page, but mabye you could handle that with the blocks form ?

or forget about creating a special block, but code it into your theme and use page attributes for the differences...
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
The difference is just the tour code (see below) referred to in the php. All the other fields are exactly the same.

         $tc = new TourCMS($marketplace_account_id, $api_private_key, 'simplexml');
         $tour = tourcode;
         $result = $tc->show_tour($tour, $channel);
         $tour = $result->tour;?>
         <h1><?php echo $tour->tour_name.'';?></h1>
         $image = $tour->images->image->url.'';
                        echo "<img src='".$image."'/><br />";
         echo $tour->tour_name.' - from only '.$tour->from_price_display;
         echo $tour->exp.'';
         echo $tour->shortdesc.'';
         echo $tour->inc.'';
         echo $tour->ex.'';
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
something like this ?

create a 'tour' attribute for your pages, then in your code:

$c = getCurrentPage();
$tour = $c->getAttribute('tour');

or...create a block for it :D
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
I'll give it a go.