Looking For Hands-On Step by Step Tutoial Starting From a Blank Page

Are there tutorials that give step by step hands-on instructions on how to make a site with C5? Most tuts are discussions about features or how to do one particular thing. I'm looking for someone showing, starting from a blank page, step by step how they make a site, soup to nuts. That would help me a lot. Thanks.

OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
How to "create a site... soup to nuts..." is different for every site. Not only that, I think it's not unreasonable to say that for sites beyond the most basic sites, it is more work than what a single tutorial could encompass.

Having said that, once you have an installation, you really should be able to get to where you want by starting here
and going through "Adding Pages", "Blocks", and the other sections that help.

If you are completely new to Concrete5, it will take some effort, and there's no shortcut in the form of a simple tutorial. But remember, this is because there's a lot of power and flexibility, and that doesn't happen with "easy" (contrast this to builders like WIX which are MUCH more limiting).
leegold replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm asking for such a tutorial(s) for the simplest of sites. The existing documentation will take care of the rest.

But, IMHO it is reasonable for a tutorial of the type I'm looking for for an initial site of some complexity, because I am not as much asking for explanations and descriptions as much as I'm asking for someone to think out loud and show me what they are typing and DOING.

IMO if there were more tutotrials of this kind it would open C5 up to many more users.
OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe this would be helpful?

But regarding the content and elements of the site, as said above, it really depends what you want to build.
leegold replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I'm working through the book "Concrete5 beginner's Guide". It's geared to an older version but I'm making adjustments for that.