Migration from 5.6: Data from custom block will not import
When running Andrew's data import from 5.6 to 5.7, data from a custom block does not get imported into the page areas. According to the popup dialog all import steps are processed just fine. No errors shown. Pages will be created in 5.7 with correct Metadata (like page titles, attributes), but content from the custom block is not transfering.
5.7. Install is untouched, just a custom theme installed. The 5.6 uses a custom build block called "btZpTextbild", which just represent a combination of text+image.
So I setup the mapping of page types, areas and attributes. Composer Content, Page Templates and Users are not mapped (because not relevant I believe).
I tried various mappings on the block type "btZpTextbild". Mapped it to content and also tried html, but there is no content appearing in the 5.7 pages. Then I changed the mapping of areas (just to make sure that I'll fill content into a visible area). However, all attempts did not succeed.
I did work through Andrew's tutorial vid a couple of times, but I cannot make the content appear in the 5.7 pages. Do I have to rebuild the entire custom block in 5.7 to make the transfer work? Have a look at the example export code below. Contains two pages with mainly the block type described.
Apprechiate any help.
Cheers from Frankfurt.
When running Andrew's data import from 5.6 to 5.7, data from a custom block does not get imported into the page areas. According to the popup dialog all import steps are processed just fine. No errors shown. Pages will be created in 5.7 with correct Metadata (like page titles, attributes), but content from the custom block is not transfering.
5.7. Install is untouched, just a custom theme installed. The 5.6 uses a custom build block called "btZpTextbild", which just represent a combination of text+image.
So I setup the mapping of page types, areas and attributes. Composer Content, Page Templates and Users are not mapped (because not relevant I believe).
I tried various mappings on the block type "btZpTextbild". Mapped it to content and also tried html, but there is no content appearing in the 5.7 pages. Then I changed the mapping of areas (just to make sure that I'll fill content into a visible area). However, all attempts did not succeed.
I did work through Andrew's tutorial vid a couple of times, but I cannot make the content appear in the 5.7 pages. Do I have to rebuild the entire custom block in 5.7 to make the transfer work? Have a look at the example export code below. Contains two pages with mainly the block type described.
Apprechiate any help.
Cheers from Frankfurt.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <concrete5-cif version="1.0"><pages><page name="Zelealem Tefera" path="/de/aktuelles/schubertpreis-2014/zelealem-tefera" filename="" pagetype="single_column" description="" package=""><attributes><attributekey handle="exclude_nav"><value><![CDATA[1]]></value></attributekey></attributes><area name="slideshow"><block type="zp_slideshow" name=""><data table="btZpSlideshow"><record><fsID><![CDATA[0]]></fsID></record></data><data table="btZpSlideshowImg"><record><slideshowImgId><![CDATA[2865]]></slideshowImgId><fID>{ccm:export:file:DSC09073_top_head.jpg}</fID><linkType><![CDATA[0]]></linkType><externalLink><![CDATA[]]></externalLink><internalLinkCID><![CDATA[0]]></internalLinkCID><headline><![CDATA[]]></headline><text><![CDATA[]]></text><groupSet><![CDATA[0]]></groupSet><position><![CDATA[0]]></position></record></data></block></area><area name="Page Title"/><area name="Main"><block type="zp_pagetitle" name=""><data table="btZpPagetitle"><record><inputtype><![CDATA[1]]></inputtype><title><![CDATA[Dr. Zelealem Tefera]]></title><description><![CDATA[]]></description></record></data></block><block type="zp_textbild" name=""><data table="btZpTextbild"><record><fID><![CDATA[1467]]></fID><text><![CDATA[<p>Zelealem Tefera, Länderbeauftragte der ZGF in Äthiopien, ist einer der herausragenden Naturschützer Äthiopiens und ein Vorbild für seine Landsleute. Er ermutigt die Gemeinden vor Ort, nachhaltig mit ihren natürlichen Ressourcen umzugehen. Er ist ein Pionier des Wildtierschutzes in Äthiopien und bei seinen Kollegen und Freunden für seine Einsatzfreude und seinen Enthusiasmus bekannt.</p> <p> </p> <p>Tefera studierte zunächst Philosophie, entdeckte jedoch schnell, dass seine wahre Leidenschaft dem Naturschutz gilt. Er besitzt einen Abschluss in Wald- und Wildtiermanagement, ein Postgraduierten-Diplom in tiermedizinischem Training für Wildtiere, einen Masterabschluss in Naturschutzbiologie und einen Doktorgrad in Biodiversitätsmanagement. Seine praktische Tätigkeit führte ihn in einige der schönsten Wildnisgebiete Äthiopiens: Er begann seine berufliche Laufbahn als <em>Assistant Park Warden</em> im Bale Mountains Nationalpark, ehe er als <em>Chief Park Warden </em>für drei Jahre im Omo Nationalpark tätig war.</p> <p> </p> <p>In die Region Amhara arbeitete Tefera als <em>Education Officer</em> für die Äthiopische Gesellschaft für Wildtiere und Naturgeschichte, ehe er als Projektmitarbeiter nach Guassa ging. Nach Beendigung seiner Dissertation kam er 2004 zur Zoologischen Gesellschaft Frankfurt.</p> <p> </p> <p>Die Entwicklung einer sog. Community Conservation Area in Guassa ist zu großen Stücken sein Verdienst. Eine weitere Community Conservation Area in Abune Yoseph wird gerade etabliert.</p> <p> </p> <p>Tefera teilt sich den Preis der Kategorie 2 mit dem Team Meckelmann/Mader und erhält 15.000 Euro.</p> <p> </p> <p><a class="icon-pfeil icon-pfeil-scheme1 zp-internallink" title="Afroalpine Ecosystem Conservation Project" href="https://fzs.org/index.php?cID=362"><strong>Mehr zum Projekt</strong></a></p> <p> </p> <br clear="all" /> <p> </p>]]></text><background><![CDATA[]]></background><caption><![CDATA[Dr. Zelealem Tefera]]></caption><imagezoom><![CDATA[]]></imagezoom><imagefloat><![CDATA[]]></imagefloat><imagealign><![CDATA[left]]></imagealign><imageurl><![CDATA[0]]></imageurl><donateID><![CDATA[999]]></donateID></record></data></block></area></page><page name="voluntarios" path="/de/aktuelles/schubertpreis-2014/voluntarios" filename="" pagetype="single_column" description="" package=""><attributes><attributekey handle="exclude_nav"><value><![CDATA[1]]></value></attributekey></attributes><area name="slideshow"><block type="zp_slideshow" name=""><data table="btZpSlideshow"><record><fsID><![CDATA[0]]></fsID></record></data><data table="btZpSlideshowImg"><record><slideshowImgId><![CDATA[2863]]></slideshowImgId><fID>{ccm:export:file:DSC1278_head.jpg}</fID><linkType><![CDATA[0]]></linkType><externalLink><![CDATA[]]></externalLink><internalLinkCID><![CDATA[0]]></internalLinkCID><headline><![CDATA[]]></headline><text><![CDATA[]]></text><groupSet><![CDATA[0]]></groupSet><position><![CDATA[0]]></position></record></data></block></area><area name="Page Title"/><area name="Main"><block type="zp_pagetitle" name=""><data table="btZpPagetitle"><record><inputtype><![CDATA[1]]></inputtype><title><![CDATA[Voluntarios ambientales]]></title><description><![CDATA[Jugendliche im ehrenamtlichen Einsatz für die Natur]]></description></record></data></block><block type="zp_textbild" name=""><data table="btZpTextbild"><record><fID><![CDATA[1370]]></fID><text><![CDATA[<p>2002 begann die Zoologische Gesellschaft Frankfurt gemeinsam mit der Verwaltung des Tambopata Schutzgebiets (im Osten Perus) ein Umweltbildungsprogramm mit Aktivitäten für die an Tambopata angrenzenden Schulen sowie Tagesausflügen an den Sandoval-See im Schutzgebiet. Bis heute ist dieses Programm Tausenden von Kindern der Region Puerto Maldonado zugute gekommen.</p>
Viewing 15 lines of 25 lines. View entire code block.
Yes, in order for the same block to show up on the pages that same block with the same structure needs to exist on the new site, so you will need to recreate the block and install it for 5.7 before doing the import.
Hi hutman,
thanks for your answer. Not what I wanted to hear. I wished I could've imported the data somehow into a clean 5.7 install and start fresh (without custom blocks).
thanks for your answer. Not what I wanted to hear. I wished I could've imported the data somehow into a clean 5.7 install and start fresh (without custom blocks).
This is probably a dumb suggestion, but could you delete the custom blocks (and uninstall the block type) from the 5.6 install, and then import? If it worked, you'd get all your current stuff except for the custom blocks. You'd then be closer to your goal.
Hello Gondwana,
thank you for your suggestion, but about 99% of all content is wrapped in custom build blocks. From what I understand I have to either rebuild the blocks or copy & paste my way through (or transform the export xml so it matches standard blocks) - all pretty ressource demanding solutions just to keep up with the dev of c5.
thank you for your suggestion, but about 99% of all content is wrapped in custom build blocks. From what I understand I have to either rebuild the blocks or copy & paste my way through (or transform the export xml so it matches standard blocks) - all pretty ressource demanding solutions just to keep up with the dev of c5.