
I want to migrate to 5.8 after having played about with it and want to use Express.
I currently have sites using Concrete 5.6.63 and PHP 5.6.20 and am using it locally on a Bitnami WAMP stack running under Windows 10.
I downloaded the legacy migration tool (V0.6.1) from github and installed it OK. However when I try to run Batches from the Dashboard I get:-

error->add(t('Invalid Batch')); } if (!$this->token->validate("update_batch")) { $this->error->add($this->token->getErrorMessage()); } if (!$this->error->has()) { switch($_POST['action']) { case 'delete': $batch->delete(); $this->redirect('/dashboard/migration/batches', 'batch_deleted'); break; } } $this->view_batch($_POST['id']); } public function remove_from_batch() { $id = $_POST['id']; if ($id) { $batch = MigrationBatch::getByID($id); } if (!is_object($batch)) { $this->error->add(t('Invalid Batch')); } if (!$this->token->validate("remove_from_batch")) { $this->error->add($this->token->getErrorMessage()); } $r = new stdClass; if (!$this->error->has()) { $r->error = false; $r->pages = array(); foreach((array) $_POST['batchPageID'] as $cID) { $r->pages[] = $cID; $batch->removePageID($cID); } } else { $r->error = true; $r->messages = $this->error->getList(); } print Loader::helper('json')->encode($r); exit; } public function view_batch($id = null) { if ($id) { $batch = MigrationBatch::getByID($id); } if (is_object($batch)) { $this->set('batch', $batch); $this->set('pages', $batch->getPages()); } } public function batch_deleted() { $this->set('message', t('Batch deleted.')); $this->view(); } public function view() { $batches = MigrationBatch::getList(); $this->set('batches', $batches); } public function submit() { if ($this->token->validate("submit")) { $batch = MigrationBatch::create($_POST['description']); $this->redirect('/dashboard/migration/batches', 'view_batch', $batch->getID()); } else { $this->error->add($this->token->getErrorMessage()); } } }

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Migration Tool
controller->getTask() == 'view_batch' && $batch) { ?>

I have tried this on a site with no addons and still get the same result.
Any suggestions?

TorstenKelsch replied on at Permalink Reply
There seems to be a lot of configuration to be done. Andrew Embler has made an article and a video:http://andrewembler.com/2015/11/upgrade-concrete5-sites-57-using-ou...

I prefer doing a fresh installation while keeping the old and copying the content by hand.
DL0rnie replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I had already looked at that video. However my attempt failed at the second hurdle of trying to export from my 5.6 site. Andrew Embler's shows the export working whereas mine falls over as soon as I try to start the Batch interface from the Dashboard.
All I really want is to export the files with their sets as there are a large number of them and I use the set classification to mange them.
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you use the latest version of the migration tool? It looks like it was updated a day ago.https://github.com/concrete5/addon_migration_tool...
DL0rnie replied on at Permalink Reply
My understanding is that this the tools for importing or exporting into/from 5.7 ( and hopefully 5.8).
The tool in Andrew Embler's write up for exporting from legacy (=5.6 and below) is athttp://github.com/concrete5/addon_migration_tool_legacy.... This is what I tried to use with the resulting message.
All I really want to do is export the files with their set information - there are rather a lot of images in the old web sites and I manage them through the set classification. I then proposed to revamp the presentation anyway.