Moving site

When moving a site from one live domain to another
Everything was fine after moving files and db, until clicking on a link or trying to login, etc -> Page blank or not found or 500 Internal Server error. When deleting manually everything inside the folder files/cache the site was running again until changing page....

In the guide to move a site it says to disable all caches.

I'm abit confused about the caches:
In the dashboard, all caches are off. But in the
the 'cache' part looks as follows:

'cache' => array(
        'blocks' => true,
        'assets' => true,
        'theme_css' => true,
        'overrides' => true,
        'pages' => '0',
        'full_page_lifetime' => 'default',
        'full_page_lifetime_value' => null

- Maybe a good idea to upgrade to 5.7.4 and then moving the site. What do you think about?

- Another issue (I think) could be the PHP Version, which is 5.3.21 running as fast CGI-application, BUT on the 'old' site, the settings were exactly the same and no problems...

Would be really glad to have some feedback on this.


I upgraded the site to 5.7.4 following the steps from this thread: and the cache issue remains the same:
'cache' => array(
        'blocks' => false,
        'assets' => false,
        'theme_css' => false,
        'overrides' => false,
        'pages' => '0',
        'full_page_lifetime' => 'custom',
        'full_page_lifetime_value' => '0'

If I have all caches enabled (in the dashboard) everything is fine.
If I disable all caches (the goal would finally be to move that site), the page is running, BUT if I click on a internal link, I get the famous 500 error. And now it comes: If I delete manually the whole content of the files/cache folder (or simply by using the dashboard) it works again until the next click on a link, and so on...

- Is it possible that the generated_overrides/concrete.php has something to do with it?

I'm really desperate! Please can someone help?

WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
You probably had, but just checking...did you disable pretty urls ?
daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I did. It must be a cache issue.
daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
Still the same! See the edit of the initial post. Desperate, please help!
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you post a link to your site ?
maar replied on at Permalink Reply
I just answered your PM,

But one thing comes to mind. Let's say that you followed all my update guide, and that is fine. What actually gave me an idea was, you said that you moved the whole thing from one domain to another (if I understand correctly - another server). Did you check the write permissions on /config, /files and /packages?

"When debugging computer related stuff, always have in mind that everything is about files. Nothing less, nothing more - Everything is about files!".

Just a thought!

Concrete5 Danmark
daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you very much!

I fixed the issue in
you mentioned in the PM. That did the trick.
For others. Here's the github fix for it:
The site isn't moved yet, because the cache issue.
Also the file permissions are correct, always the first thing I check. ;-)

But I'm having an issue with the server settings of my provider, because if I take the whole site down to my local environment, everything works as it should. I have openened a ticket at my prvider to see, where settings differ (can't set everything by my self)
Thank you again