No output for Composer Control
Hi! I've set up a compose form with an image slider block. This is output to a template in page defaults via the Composer Control block. When I add pages of this type, the block does not actually output the content. Instead, only the below message is displayed. This happens both in Edit Mode and when logged out of concrete5.
When I try to edit the block on the page I get this message:
This is line 10 of the mentioned file.
This is happening in a custom theme, but I can reproduce the same behaviour when I activate the Elemental theme for the site. I'm on
Has anyone seen this before? How can I troubleshoot this?
The Image Slider page type composer form element will output its contents here (Block ID 714)
When I try to edit the block on the page I get this message:
Argument 1 passed to Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\OutputControl::getList() must be an instance of Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Type, null given, called in /var/www/html/c5site/concrete/blocks/core_page_type_composer_control_output/edit.php on line 10
This is line 10 of the mentioned file.
$controls = PageTypeComposerOutputControl::getList($ptt, $pt);
This is happening in a custom theme, but I can reproduce the same behaviour when I activate the Elemental theme for the site. I'm on
Has anyone seen this before? How can I troubleshoot this?
The Composer Control block was placed in a global Area! As soon as I moved it to a normal Area, everything worked again.
Is there any documentation on this behaviour?!