Not able to add pages on mobile device.
The "add new page" -link is missing on Concrete5's mobile menu. I can edit current page or visit page attributes or dashboard, but "new page" -link is missing.
I already did override page_controls_footer.php -file with
Also, on mobile phones, there should be better mobile theming on a core-edit-themes.
Composer is now unreachable on vertical screen.
I added to my css-files this little modification, which helps a bit, but should be modified for more user-friendlier form.
The css-snippet moves left-side menu (page attributes etc, and most important part, the Composer) to the top of the site and the rest at bottom of it.
<li class="ccm-toolbar-page-edit"><i class="fa fa-files-o mobile-leading-icon"></i><a href="#" data-panel-url="<?php echo URL::to('/ccm/system/panels/sitemap') ?>" title="<?php echo t('Add Pages and Navigate Your Site') ?>" data-launch-panel="sitemap"> <?php echo t('Add Pages and Navigate Your Site') ?> </a></li>
Also, on mobile phones, there should be better mobile theming on a core-edit-themes.
Composer is now unreachable on vertical screen.
I added to my css-files this little modification, which helps a bit, but should be modified for more user-friendlier form.
@media screen and (max-width: 550px) { div.ccm-panel-left{ width:100%; overflow:auto; max-height:40vh; } div.ccm-panel-content{ width:100%; } html.ccm-panel-left div.ccm-panel-detail{ padding-left:0; padding-top:40vh; } div#ccm-panel-detail-form-actions-wrapper{ bottom:0;
Viewing 15 lines of 22 lines. View entire code block.
The css-snippet moves left-side menu (page attributes etc, and most important part, the Composer) to the top of the site and the rest at bottom of it.
On mobile, you can add a page using the Sitemap in the dashboard.